📆 Wednesday 13 November is World Kindness Day*.
Flashmobs are out of fashion, but discounts never will be. So here’s a 20% off discount to encourage you to support local journalism.
You’ll pay £36 a year instead of £45, which equates to about £3/month or 10p per day. It's only valid until the end of Wednesday, so don't delay!
Your subscription will help keep the Minute alive in 2025 and hopefully beyond.
* World Kindness Day is a real thing that began at a global conference in 1998. It encourages people to perform good deeds to spread positive energy in their communities. Given the amount of shite things happening in the world, this seems like a good place to start. It even has a free calendar.
🌱 If recent world events have got you thinking about that phrase ‘think global, act local’, then now's the time to back local media. If you can afford a couple of quid, paying for your local news helps to keep newsrooms local and your daily life less overwhelmed by misinformation and gutter tabloid clickbait nonsense. As we’re seeing in other countries, a healthy democracy could depend on it.
Thanks so much,
⏰ And if you’re feeling kind, you can send someone a gift subscription here.